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  • gardeningmattersti

Book signings

I recently was gifted the chance to hold a book signing at the Garibaldi Museum for my new book "Fours Seasons in the Pacific Northwest Coastal Garden." It was a lovely Sunday afternoon and I didn't expect many gardeners to leave their plots and come into a building to get a book.

I was surprised!

My first visitor was a woman I had met a few years ago when I was working at the Pioneer Museum. After buying a book and having me sign it, Wendi stayed a while to discuss her gardening issues. It was a delightful chat.

Wendi was soon joined by other local gardeners and we pulled up a few chairs and expanded our conversation to include Manzanita and Garibaldi as well as Tillamook city. Slugs, bringing plants indoors for the winter, mulch, compost, raking leaves. We covered a wide range.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see so many of my fellow Tillamook County Master Gardeners stop by as well as some gardening friends who are not MG's. And it was nice to meet some folks who had been reading my "Gardening Matters" in the Tillamook Headlight Herlad for years.

At the end of the two-hour time period, I had sold quite a few books and was pleased with that. But I also was able to talk gardening with many people who had many comments. I realized how much I have missed those kinds of discussions during a global pandemic. I will have to try harder to connect in person with friends and not-yet friends to discuss my favorite topic: gardening on the Pacific Northwest Coast.

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